How Healthy is My CCM Program?

How Healthy is My CCM Program?

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Since 2015, Chronic Care Staffing (“CCS”) has been focused on optimizing the delivery of Chronic Care Management (“CCM”, codes 99490 / G0511 or G0511).   We have taken a close look at some of the most successful CCM programs in the country to develop a benchmark tool for CCM success.

Below are the top performance indicators and benchmarks for both low-performing and high-performing programs.  A low-performing CCM program misses out on improved patient care and a significant financial opportunity.

If you believe your program is on the lower end of performance and you’d like to improve, let us know and we would be happy to schedule a free consultation!

Chronic Care Management Performance Evaluation Tool

Performance Indicator

Low Performing Program

High Performing Program

Percentage of Eligible Medicare Patients Enrolled

Less than 60%

Greater than 70%

Percentage of Enrolled Patients Spoken to Each Month

Less than 70%

Greater than 85%

Net Monthly Change in Patient Enrollment Once Fully Launched

Less than 1% growth

Greater than 2% growth

Quality Assurance Program

Limited auditing, no recorded calls, no patient surveys, limited or no education program

Recorded call audits, patient satisfaction survey, Care Coordinator education program

Downstream Revenue

No ancillary revenue or savings generated by CCM program

CCM program tailored to meet Quality Metrics (i.e. Star Ratings) and high engagement driving increased downstream revenue and shared savings


If you would like to learn more please click here or call 888-254-4435.

Chronic Care Staffing, LLC (“CCS”) is an outsourced virtual care management provider that was founded in 2015, the same year Medicare’s Chronic Care Management program began.  Headquartered in Charleston, SC, Chronic Care Staffing works with clients ranging from small practices to large health systems.  CCS is a sister company of Joint Commission certified Millenia Medical Staffing and has access to a network of nurses across the United States.  CCS is a clinically based company that doesn’t sell any software – all of our programs are designed to generate income for our clients without an upfront investment. 

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