Chronic Care Staffing Solutions For COVID-19

Home / Chronic Care Staffing Solutions For COVID-19

Unprecedented times are putting unprecedented pressures on our health care system. As a national provider of Chronic Care Management services, Chronic Care Staffing has telephonic nursing staff available for your facility and your patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our nursing team will integrate and chart directly in your EMR system providing the following services remotely:

  • Screening and triage services for COVID-19 over the phone
  • Coordinating Transitional Care Management Telehealth visits with providers
  • Overflow management and patient scheduling
  • Coordinate patient care for all patients at your facility as your clinical staff focuses on treating those impacted by COVID-19

Please contact Patrick Dowd for staffing details:
Phone: 843-532-9046

image of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease Links and Resources

CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary

CDC Information for Healthcare Professionals

CDC Webinar for Healthcare Professionals

CDC Healthcare Professionals: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Video: CDC What is Coronavirus Disease 2019?

Video: CDC What’s my risk?

Video: CDC How to protect myself?

Video: CDC COVID-19 Stop the Spread of Germs

Chronic Care Staffing_CCM White Paper_August 2020